This is Emillia's story as seen through our eyes...... Emillia was diagnosed with FPIES right before christmas of 2009 she was almost 10 months old. We have had our challenges, our ups and downs, numerous tears, and even some laughs through our experiences.
We have met some amazing people during these trialing times and we are very thankful for them and all that they have done for us!
Emillia is a very sweet vibrant little girl as you will learn reading through this blog. She is a trooper and always seems to have a smile on her face through even some of the hardest times.
Emillia has taught us many lessons in life already and i know she will continue to do so, she is our princess!

God grant us
the serenity to accept
the things we cannot change..........

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Starting to feel a little crazy...........

I left the hospital that day in tears, wondering if maybe i was just crazy, but knowing it couldnt be a coinsidence.  I started striking up conversations with everyone i saw at work and ended up meeting a doctor and a male nurse who both worked at the Mayo Clinic. I rememeber them mentioning something about food allergies and i knew i had to talk to them. I told them Emillia's story and the male nurse gave me his card and told me i needed to call and get M in immediatly. That night i went home and started looking up information on Emillia's symptoms but came up with nothing. The following morning i made an appointment with her doctor and asked her for a refferal to the Mayo Clinic so M could see specialist to see if they could find out what was going on with her. Her doctor flat out told me that "in no way, shape, or form" was she giving me a refferal to the Mayo Clinic, and again that there was nothing wrong with M. Talk about making me feel crazy, if M's doctor didnt think there was anything wrong with her then what was i making such a big deal out of it.... i was determined not to give up tho.... one way or another my daughter WAS going to the Mayo Clinic.......All of this had gone on in a little over a month.  2 "flu" episodes in less than 30 days both after she was given food with dairy in it......

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